Karol Wojtyła zverejnil svoju knihu Láska a zodpovednosť v roku 1960. Edward Srí analyzuje obsah tohto veľkého diela tak, aby ho sprístupnil všetkým. Podáva čitateľom praktické informácie o takých témach, ako sú: autentická láska, problém s pornografiou,význam priateľstva, ako dosiahnuť väčšiu intimitu v manželstve… Kniha obsahuje aj študijné otázky, čo z nej robí cenný zdroj pre osobné a skupinové štúdium.
Men, Women and the Mystery of Love
Edward Sri*
Love and Responsibility brilliantly sheds light on the mysterious dynamics between men and women and challenges us to live those dynamics better.—From the Introduction
The essential background to the Theology of the Body!
Father Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II) published Love and Responsibility in 1960, the fruit of his pastoral work, particularly among young people. His analysis of the true meaning of human love is life-transforming and practical, shedding light on real issues between men and women.
Edward Sri unpacks the contents of this great work, making it accessible to every reader. The author emphasizes the down-to-earth nature of Love and Responsibility, helping readers appropriate practical information on such topics as:
- – how to determine if a relationship is one of authentic love or is doomed to failure
- – the problem of pornography
- – the meaning of friendship
- – how to achieve greater intimacy in marriage and much more.
Study questions with each chapter make this a valuable resource not only for individual personal reading but also for small group study.